power supply device UEP-U-M

The composition of the UEP-U-M is determined by the project and may include UVZF, PVM-E, PRM-E, BK, SHAKB, UAO, RSHT and UBP.
UEP-U-M provides:
  • Connection of cables of two external sources of three-phase alternating current (main feeder, backup feeder) and DGA feeder.
  • Continuity of power supply to the loads connected to the uninterruptible power system during the set time, when switching external power supplies or when they are turned off.
  • Continuous monitoring of normalized parameters of external power sources: overvoltage, voltage drop in any of the phases, phase sequence, phase failure, AC frequency.
  • Control of operation of surge protection devices, control of operation of circuit breakers, control of operability of direct current sources, indication of operability of UBP remotely by means of a supervisory control system.
  • Work in modes with the predominance of one of the feeders or equivalent feeders.
  • Transmission of information about the emergency state of UEP-U via cellular communication systems by means of an SMS message sent to the mobile phone of an SCB electrician, an SCB distance dispatcher.